Stop the Anxiety Spiral
THE Number ONE☝ thing I've learned through practicing mindfulness is:
🤗 becoming aware of who I am.
After years of studying, observing and practicing I am aware of what brings me joy, what triggers me. I notice when my energy isn't my own. I understand how food affects me. I can sense when my mood is shifting and I've learned how to bring myself back to my true self. I know when I am out of alignment and can sense what needs to be done to align. I've always been me but mindfulness has made me AWARE of me and how I flow in life. Years ago my anxiety would be so severe that I would lose a week or more in a total spiral filled with exhaustion and guilt. Them emotional drain would lead me back to terrible eating patterns which would make me feel worse physically AND mentally. And the cycle would continue. Meanwhile all the things I had been working on, my ideas, projects, my health, would hit the wall and disintegrate so when I did pull myself out of the spiral…I was starting all over (or so I led myself to believe).
Consistently being mindful recently shortened an anxiety spiral to 2.5 days. It allowed me to remain present and do the things I wanted to do while riding out the wave. It gave me the ability to recognize what was happening, reflect and resume with grace and gentleness. I no longer punish myself for my emotions or for my anxiety. My feelings and body are speaking to me and I have learned how to listen. The more we FIGHT those negative feelings, the more we resist and struggle against that rising anxiety, the MORE IT WILL CONTROL US. By allowing the feelings to be there and to allow yourself to lay down, take a nap, binge tv with NO GUILT the faster the pain will leave you. It’s the resistance that makes it persist!
Mindful living isn't about doing yoga and meditating for hours (though it could be if that’s for you). It's about creating an ability to live in a space so true to your PURPOSE, the ability to live from a place where each time you get knocked down, the trip back gets shorter. It’s about having that awareness around WHO YOU ARE, an awareness around your body, your mind. An understanding of your triggers and reactive behaviors. The more you bring awareness into yourself the easier it will be for you to catch yourself falling and you’ll do it faster.
Time BABY, TIME!!! That thing we all want MORE of! That thing we lose so much of in these times of anxiety, no matter your severity. Anxiety freezes up your mind, makes it difficult to make a decision, to take action and get things done. The mental energy spent overanalyzing, over thinking, over planning EVERYTHING is stealing time from your present moment.
Can you imagine what you could do with all the time you can save by learning how to gracefully catch yourself in your anxiety falls?
I would LOVE to hear what you would do with that extra time!
I would also LOVE to help you get it back. To reframe your anxiety so you can start breaking down barriers and return to your beautiful, purposeful LIFE!